Sunday, June 12, 2005

Calling all 360 members!

On Friday night (6/10/05), the Point Richmond Music group held our first concert. The bands that played int his concert were Mojo Hand and Anna Maria Flechero. Pyro and Kell were a part of the program, and helped to handle the setup and teardown of the staging and equipment. The food was really good, marinaded Chicken and garlic butter Corn.

The music was so good, and the audience was so receptive and cordial, that I realized we need to get ready for our performance on September the 10th. We need to get serious. As one of the MAIN bands, we will be doing 2 forty five minute sets.

Although this date is a way off, we need to all come together in order to practise our songs.

I propose that we setup the equipment and practise this coming Saturday the 18th.

What say you?