Sunday, January 29, 2006

The BBR Project

Check out music from Wes' work at BBR done many years ago.
Here is the link.

Friday, January 27, 2006

T- Sunshine played on 'PapoCast!'

Music and Ruby are universal languages!
Here is a link to the 'PapoCast' web site.
Here is a link to the audio file.

Thanks Πάρις!

Love played on 'Pod Weather'

Our song 'Love' was played on the Pod Weather show. Our thanks go out to 'Moss' for choosing our song and to the Radio NHCWX crew.
Check out the PodWeather podcast site at:

Here is a link to the audio file

Saturday, January 07, 2006

T-Sunshine played on 'DownsFM'

Our thanks go out to the United Kingdom, and the children of the Downs CE Primary School for choosing our song 'T-Sunshine' as the closing music to their latest PodCast.

The direct link to their show can be found here.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

How Many Times played on SomaCast

Check out the SomaCast Web Site HERE.
Listen to the radio show HERE.

Thanks Jamie!