Wednesday, October 26, 2005

'I'm Loaded' played in the Happy Fantom Podcast

Takato and Juan again sat in a strange environment (Wendy's) and decided to play another song from our small set on the podsafe music network. They must like our work, because this is the second song of ours they played. A big shout out to both Juan and Takato. Thanks guy's!

This time they played 'I'm Loaded', the intro song of one of our artists. The volume seemed low when they played it, but that may have been because I need to beef up on my mastering skills. I don't know. Anyway...

Here is the link to the show.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Fallen played at the Happy Fantom Podcast

Takato and Juan sat in what sounded like a cafe, with piano music played in the background by Chillerstadt, and recorded their podcast. They both give feedback on the music played in their show. Sometimes they can be critical, but this is a good thing. :)

They said some really nice things about Fallen. Very cool!

Check the actual show file here

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dok played 'Fallen'

Another song of ours was played on a PodShow called, "RockCastItalia".
This time the song is 'Fallen' the REALLY long song that we did regarding people who have passed away. Dok decided to cutt us off near the end right before Ecko, but it is a long song..

You can hear RockCastItalia by going here.

Click the green 'play show' button.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Mic played T. Sunshine!!

Mic Dunn played T. Sunshine on his podcast today. This is the FIRST time anyone has played our music since I posted some of our stuff on the podsafe music network.

Mic Dunn's PodCast for 10/4/05