Friday, November 18, 2005

Listen to our songs on the PMN Network!

Now you can listen to a lot more of our work on the
PodSafe Music Network! Just go to this link and click the 'listen' button to the right of the title you want to hear.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Wanna download some new 360 songs?

I've posted 2 new songs from the 360 album.
To save them to your desktop, simply 'right mouse click' on the title
of the song you want to download. Then, select 'save target as' in the popup menu. From there you can choose where you want the file downloaded to.

You can download these songs below.


Take care, and don't say I never did nuttin fo ya!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

'I'm Loaded' played in the Happy Fantom Podcast

Takato and Juan again sat in a strange environment (Wendy's) and decided to play another song from our small set on the podsafe music network. They must like our work, because this is the second song of ours they played. A big shout out to both Juan and Takato. Thanks guy's!

This time they played 'I'm Loaded', the intro song of one of our artists. The volume seemed low when they played it, but that may have been because I need to beef up on my mastering skills. I don't know. Anyway...

Here is the link to the show.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Fallen played at the Happy Fantom Podcast

Takato and Juan sat in what sounded like a cafe, with piano music played in the background by Chillerstadt, and recorded their podcast. They both give feedback on the music played in their show. Sometimes they can be critical, but this is a good thing. :)

They said some really nice things about Fallen. Very cool!

Check the actual show file here

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dok played 'Fallen'

Another song of ours was played on a PodShow called, "RockCastItalia".
This time the song is 'Fallen' the REALLY long song that we did regarding people who have passed away. Dok decided to cutt us off near the end right before Ecko, but it is a long song..

You can hear RockCastItalia by going here.

Click the green 'play show' button.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Mic played T. Sunshine!!

Mic Dunn played T. Sunshine on his podcast today. This is the FIRST time anyone has played our music since I posted some of our stuff on the podsafe music network.

Mic Dunn's PodCast for 10/4/05

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gig for October 15th

We're confirmed for a gig on October 15th at the Doctors Medical Center in Richmond. Nice. We even have our own prep room. Nice again. And, again... there's money involved!!!

As you all know, I have decided to leave PAL for other interests and to continue my effort to get this CD out the door. At this time we have a total of 2 CD's completed and ready to be mastered by Mr. Cook. The duplicator is waiting and the entertainment lawyer is watching over us.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

September 10th event for PRM

Our performance on Saturday was awesome. Everyone did an excellent job and it was great to hear people talking about how good we were. I had 4 people stand and wait to talk to me about our group, the artists and our music. As a result of this, I am now speaking to an entertainment lawyer about sending out a 'media package' of our group.

For those who are interested, I will be in training today and tomorrow for PAL, but you can come in after the meeting is complete around 5pm.

We need to pay everyone for the performance, as well as resolve the shirt artwork issue.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Calling all 360 members!

On Friday night (6/10/05), the Point Richmond Music group held our first concert. The bands that played int his concert were Mojo Hand and Anna Maria Flechero. Pyro and Kell were a part of the program, and helped to handle the setup and teardown of the staging and equipment. The food was really good, marinaded Chicken and garlic butter Corn.

The music was so good, and the audience was so receptive and cordial, that I realized we need to get ready for our performance on September the 10th. We need to get serious. As one of the MAIN bands, we will be doing 2 forty five minute sets.

Although this date is a way off, we need to all come together in order to practise our songs.

I propose that we setup the equipment and practise this coming Saturday the 18th.

What say you?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Someone else is now using our name...

Microsoft announced some information on their next XBOX gaming console system. It's being called, "XBOX 360".

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I'm out for a few days

The studio is closed 1/19.

Thanks to our visitor today. With his permission, we can put his work on our glisten page. More on this soon.

Monday, January 17, 2005

2 New Movies Added

I just added two movies recorded during the last Open Mic session at The Plough. These movies center around Red and her poem 'hey love' and Stevie Wonder tune.
Check them out on the main page here.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Meeting Notes

Would it be good to post our meeting notes up here on this blog site?

A reason to do this would be that we have a place to go back to and review what we talked about in a particular meeting at any time in the future.
A bad reason might be that the general public will also be able to read our meeting notes. But, is that bad? Maybe if someone outside of our group has good feedback on a particular issue, they could suggest a solution. Tell me what you think?

Monday, January 10, 2005

Open Mic Video Added

I finally added the video of Lunice and Pyro doing their 'drop bombs' session at the Starry Plaugh in Berkeley. Check it out here.

Also, The connection to the videos that are stored on the server I have been using has been very slow recently. If you let the video load, it will eventually play at full speed.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Our Music and our Site

What songs do you want to put up on our web site? I can definitely put the full 3 songs plus the clips from the single up. But, do you think we should place any more clean clips from other songs up here?